The Raleigh Chapter of Delicados, Inc. was organized August, 1966 with Gladys Johnson, Founder. Chapter charter members were Louise Johnson, Frances Whitaker, Louise Nelson, Dorothy Housen, Iris Trotter, Elaine Jacobs, Pearl Smith, Muriel Mckoy, Gladys Johnson and Theodoshia Vines. The first officers were: Gladys Johnson, President; Frances Whitaker, Vice President; Louise Nelson, Secretary; Louise Johnson, Corresponding Secretary; and Theodoshia Vines, Treasurer.
We were known as the Delletts Civic and Social Club. On November 14, 1967, we were officially installed in Delicados, Inc., with chapter members attending the installation service from Washington, DC, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia. The Washington Chapter is our "Mother Chapter". Vivian West one of the Founding Members of Delicados, Inc. was the National President for the installation of our chapter. We are one of ten chapters on the East Coast. Chapters are located in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and the District of Columbia (Washington, DC). The Raleigh Chapter is the only chapter in North Carolina.
The name Delicados is of Spanish origin, meaning "The delicate ones". Our motto is "We strive not to equal but to excel". Our colors are Pink and Black. The pink rose is our flower. The spouses and sweethearts (significant other) are known as the Del-Gents. Children and grandchildren are Del Tots/Del Teens.
The Conclave is the governing body and is held annually in May or June with one of the chapters serving as host. The Raleigh Chapter has been host for six conclaves: 1970, 1975, 1982, 1989, 1999, 2009 and 2019.
Our Purpose is to promote unity and foster friendship among sisters of Delicados, Inc. We engage in civic, cultural and social activities among our members in our city, our state and the world community. Our chapter is involved in the following programs: Back-A-Child Program at the former YMCA Garner Road (the J.D. Lewis Multipurpose Center); Wake County Sickle Cell Anemia Support Group Chapter, Inc; NAACP, Race for the Cure the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation (replaced with another project in 2021); Tutorial Program for Kindergarten through fourth Grade male students at Hunter GT Magnet Elementary School; Third World Feed the Hungry Program and Women Entrepreneurship Initiatives (Heifer Foundation); Dress Barn/Dress for Success Program; Helen Wright Women's Center-Downtown Raleigh; YWCA Senior Oaks Lunch Program (discontinued when the Hargett Street Y was closed); Del Tots/Del Teens Homeless Projects including: Adopt a Family for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Salvation Army Women and Children Center, Girls Club of Raleigh and Adopt A Senior Citizen Complex Project;, Back-Pack for Kids Program at Hunter GT Magnet School (non-perishable foods for student to take home on weekends), (Hand of Protection) Prevent Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Program and Annual Prevention of Child Abuse 5K Walk, Souls 4 Souls Shoe Drive, Sisters Network, Triangle, NC., established a scholarship fund in honor of The Raleigh Chapter of Delicados, Inc. founders and chapter members, and finally our own Promenade of Roses to honor Wake County Senior Citizens 65 years and older.
Our members who have entered our Rose Garden since 2009 are Elizabeth Cofield, Honorary Member (11/23/2009), Theodoshia Vines, Charter Member (1/14/2014), Muriel Mckoy, Charter Member (9/26/2015), Cliffornia G. Wimberley (11/22/2015), Margaret Chavis, (11/13/2016), Francis Whitaker, Charter Member (6/19/2018) Fidie Estes (2/9/2021) and Queen Walker (July 28, 2021). We have one active charter member: Louise Johnson.
Our present members are Sarah Atkins, Anne Bailey, Tara Barber, Lillar Barnes, Elizabeth Chance, Alfredia Collins, Margaret Egerton, Shirley Foye, Joyce Fray, Betty Holman, Brenda Jeffreys, Louise Johnson, Martha Kearney, Wilma Keith Jackson, LaVerne Lane, Cardella Mathes, Enid Patterson (Emeritus), Carolyn Penny, Mary Robinson, Mavis Robinson, Eula Rush, Wiladean Thomas, and H. Celeste Turner.
Revised 9/30/2021